Balerno Bowling Club is situated in the heart of Balerno Village located 9 miles west of Edinburgh. Founded in 1885 and as a famous Scottish Bowling Club our members through the years have distinguished the club by winning numerous District, Scottish and National titles.
In 2019 on the isle of Jersey our senior ladies Helen Girdler, Margaret Turner, Mabel Jackson and Anne Blake won the silver medal representing Scotland in the British Isles Championship. Anne Blake also became the second Balerno female member after Elspeth Oliver in 1994 to win the coveted Steel Trophy. She beat Scottish international Gillian Mackintosh in the final.
Balerno Bowling club have frozen their fees for next season in a bid to attract new members. Members (men and women) pay £160 to bowl and £50 to be a social member with restricted bowling. The fee was agreed at the annual general meeting.